Woopi Warriors Judo Club Since 2010


Sensei Cliff was the founder of Coffs Harbour PCYC Judo Club, Kuzushi Judo Club in Toormina, Coffs Harbour Judo Club at CHEC and Woopi Warriors Judo Club in Woolgoolga. In his youth he won Gold and Bronze in the British Championship and represented England as a junior in Europe.


He was trained by the legendary 8th Dan, Sensei Don Werner; who helped shape British Judo for over 50 years.


Major John Whipp instructed Sensei Cliff
in self-defense.

Chief Instructor Unarmed Combat (Australia). Major Whipp was the officer commanding military unarmed combat training. He is a Vietnam veteran and in 1985 was the recipient in the Queens honors list of the order of Australia for his service to the Army, community and sport. In the 1995 Queens honors list he was awarded with the Conspicuous Service Medal (CSM), for his service to the Australian Defence Force as Commanding Officer of military unarmed combat. Major Whipp was been part of Australian unarmed combat for over 30 years and has developed the doctrine, testing and ranking system to encompass a complete training package to cover the needs of the entire Australian Military. He is also a 7th Dan in Judo and Jujutsu.

After 8 good years at the Woolgoolga OOSH Centre, Woopi Warriors moved to Bosworth Road and have now to a more suitable venue in Hawke Drive.